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From: Kathy@cup.portal.com
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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Re: Load objects relative path
Lines: 20
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 95 14:22:15 PDT
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> If you make an assign of 3D: to your 3D directory, all you ever
> have to do is change the 3D: assign, and Lightwave will find
> all your files easily. Your example had it as DH4:Toaster/3D/Objects
> for objects, for example. If you 'ASSIGN 3D: DH4:Toaster/3D'
> first, your paths for all the rest in LW-Config can then be
> ScenesDirectory 3D:Scenes
> ObjectsDirectory 3D:Objects
> ImagesDirectory 3D:Images etc.
> This way, if you want to move the scene and it's objects to
> another system, drive, or directory, you just change the assign
> to where you moved them to, such as 'ASSIGN 3D: DH2:ClientNameDir/3D'
> or even 'ASSIGN 3D: DF0:'
Theoretically, it seems like this should work, but it doesn't. In 3.5
if you don't have the real path name, you get a requester saying it can't
load the object and would you like to select an alternate.
This is true for load from scene or when loading scenes. Assigning
will make the object load requester open on the assigned directory.
Kathy@cup.portal.com sent this message.
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